About half of Berlin’s carbon dioxide emissions stem from heating buildings. Reducing the demand for heat through energy-efficient building refurbishment and shifting to renewable energy and waste heat for heating are the two [...]
Many German cities experience a significant population growth due to their attractive working and living environment. The consequence is a higher space consumption, triggered by increasing construction activities in the [...]
With the bioeconomy topic, the German science year 2020/2021 was dedicated to the transformation from an oil-based to a bio-based form of economy. In times of a rapidly growing world population, dwindling biodiversity and [...]
A third of the final energy consumption in Germany is used for heating and hot water. Thus, heat consumption is an important factor when it comes to tackling global challenges such as climate change, energy efficiency and [...]
The German Federal Government declared in its progress report on the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change to establish an overall offer for the provision of climate and climate adaptation services. This initiative [...]