With the worldwide movement of local communities and municipalities, as well as state and regional governments, to declare a climate emergency, they acknowledge the urgent need for climate protection and initiate or increase [...]
Almost 50% of final energy consumption in Germany is used for heating, thus heat consumption is an important factor when it comes to tackling global challenges such as climate change, energy efficiency and resource [...]
In April 2014, the Federal State Government of Brandenburg passed its Sustainability Strategy. One of the 16 fields of action focus on the management of „natural resources as the economic potential of a sustainable regional [...]
Climate change affects Germany in various ways, for example by increased storms, heat waves and extreme rainfall. The research project analyses to what degree adaption measures and instruments can reduce the expected damage [...]
The research project aims at supporting communal activities for identifying, selecting and realising measures for greening public spaces that at the same time enhance climate resilience of cities and contribute to the [...]