On foot, by bike, bus, or train: active mobility is the key to a climate-friendly and healthy mobility transition. But how can we make the switch? And what will active mobility look like as cities adapt to heat, droughts, and [...]
Biochar can remove CO2 from the atmosphere and store carbon in the long-term. In the pyrolysis production process, biomass residues are converted into coal at high temperatures and in the absence of oxygen. Pyrolysis also [...]
The effects of climate change are already visible in the Stuttgart Region today – primarily through increasing heat stress and frequent heavy rainfall events. In the ISAP I project an online information and advisory system [...]
Urban green spaces offer a variety of ecological benefits beyond recreational areas, particularly concerning the impacts of climate change. During heatwaves, they contribute to cooling and mitigate flooding during heavy [...]
The consequences of climate change pose enormous challenges for urban regions in particular, such as dealing with heavy rainfall. In order to avoid flooding and overflows in the combined sewer system, the concept of the [...]
More extreme weather events, health risks and economic uncertainties: Germany must prepare for the consequences of climate change. As decided in the 2021 coalition agreement, the German government therefore wants to develop a [...]
The civil society movement "Bits & Bäume" (B&B) works at the nexus of digitalization, sustainability, human rights and democracy. Ten NGOs and scientific organizations from the sustainability and/or digitalization scene, [...]
The Environmental Awareness Study by the German Environmental Agency (UBA) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) has been surveying environmental [...]
The Elbe-Elster region in the south of the state of Brandenburg is affected by the phase-out of lignite mining and the associated change processes. It is part of the structural change region of Lusatia. Based on the status [...]
The heating transition in the building sector is picking up speed. However, building owners are not sufficiently aware of this: New and far-reaching requirements of federal funding for efficient buildings and the Building [...]
Humanity is facing a millennium challenge: the transformation of state, industry, and society towards zero CO2 emissions. This goal can only be achieved if the necessary financial resources are made available. The financial [...]
Due to the Corona pandemic, there has been movement in the perception and use of home office and teleremote working. In this joint project, the energetic and non-energetic implications of this change that are relevant for the [...]
The Environmental Awareness Study by the German Environment Agency (UBA) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) has been surveying environmental [...]
The Einstein Research Unit “Climate and Water under Change” (CliWaC) is a transdisciplinary research initiative of the Berlin University Alliance to investigate water-related risks under climate change. In an innovative [...]
Cities and municipalities are feeling the effects of climate change, for example in the form of heat stress, water shortages and flooding. This damages buildings, infrastructure, health, and nature. Natural climate protection [...]
The Green Economy Report of North Rhine-Westphalia presents the economic and ecological significance of the state's Green Economy. It supports the Ministry for the Environment, Nature and Transport in implementing the [...]
Cities are a central starting point for solving environmental challenges, particularly with regard to the climate mitigation goals of the Paris Agreement. The mission of a socio-ecological transformation of urban spaces [...]
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), it will be necessary to actively remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere to effectively limit global warming to a maximum of 1,5 degrees. To this end, [...]
Which options are there for flood protection in the tidal area of the Elbe in light of the effects of climate change? The TideelbeKlima project aims to identify and analyse conceivable options and to evaluate them [...]
Education, knowledge transfer and capacity building on climate change impacts and adaptation options are key foundations for building a climate-resilient society, environment and economy. A lack of knowledge and a shortage of [...]