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WorkshopHeterodox economic approaches to land use change and conflictInstitutional framing and economic valuation

Date: 7 July 2017, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

IRI THESys Friedrichstraße 191 | R. 4088


IRI THESys Institut of the Humbold University and IÖW

The interdisciplinary dialogue is a new IRI THESys workshop series on structured, out-of-the-box thinking circling key terms of academic discussion from different perspectives.

Economic analysis uses a wide range of methods for the study of land use decision making. This interdisciplinary dialogue explores two different economic approaches to land use and land use conflict. On the one hand, Wibke Crewett and Sarah Keuthmann explore the example of bioeconomy feedstock production and short rotation coppices. They thereby discuss land use change from an institutional economics perspective, which emphasises the role of institutional arrangements by using contextual in-depth studies. Jesko Hirschfeld (IÖW) and Julian Sagebiel (IÖW) complement this perspective on land use change and present a conceptual framework for extended cost-benefit analyses and a discrete choice experiment on the economic valuation and monetarization of land management associated ecosystem services.  

1.    Wibke Crewett and Jesko Hirschfeld: Welcome and introduction
2.    Each speaker: Introductory short inputs
3.    Open discussion of the above inputs, drawing on the participants’ own experiences and aspirations for engaging with ‘the other side’
4.    Round-the-table feedback
5.    Jesko Hirschfeld & Wibke Crewett: Wrap up and possible ways forward

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