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Presentation Desgin Options for the Electricity System

Final Conference: Wie wird die digitale Stromversorgung resilienter?
Event by: Insitut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW)
10.11.17, Berlin

Professor Bernd Hirschl used this talk to summarize the meeting “How can the digital electricity supply become more resilient”, part of the final conference of the BMBF project “Electricity resilience”. He presents the project’s starting position and sketches the reciprocal relationship between the megatrends of electricity transition and digitalization, alluding to the increasing vulnerability of the electricity-ICT-nexus. This vulnerability is aggravated by the fact that both megatrends can be regarded as leading infrastructures, thus becoming part of all critical infrastructures. An extensive blackout should therefore be avoided at all costs. In the present debate, the electricity-ICT-nexus’ system architecture and its vulnerability are neglected. At his point, the project “Electricity resilience” wants to elaborate. In the end of the talk, Professor Hirschl gives on overview of the contents and aims of the ensuing meeting.