In the section "Green Infrastructure & Participation" of the 11th Expert Symposium on Urban Greening of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture and the Julius Kuehn Institute, Johannes Rupp presented the work with future visions from the project "Green City of the Future", funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Using the method of future visions, as a format of activation in participatory planning processes, the project investigated how green infrastructure in growing cities could look like in times of climate change. The focus was on the question: "What kind of existing and new developments, respectively commercial districts would we like to have in rapidly growing cities considering the impacts of climate change?"
In his presentation, Johannes Rupp gave insights into the future vision processes carried out in the project. Presented examples were the potential design of an existing neighborhood by focusing on its public space, addressing the topics green and mobility, as well as the potential design of a new development, by focusing on the greening of its buildings. The presentation also showed how a backcasting process can be used to identify easy to implement and more ambitious green infrastructure. This helps to get started or to consider challenges in implementation at an early stage in the planning process. The presentation closed with a conclusion on pro and cons of the future vision method.
Further information and products on the "Green City of the Future" project (brochures, factsheets, film, etc.) can be found here.