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Presentation Smart Grids, Storage and Demand Response

Conference: SET Plan Conference 2015 - Research, Innovation and Competiveness for the Energy Union
Event by: Luxembourg's Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure and the Ministry of Housing
21.09.15 - 22.09.15, Luxemburg

From a social-ecological research perspective the energy transition reveals many urgent questions that only can be answered by an integrative approach incorporating the ecological, social, technological and institutional perspective. Many components necessary for the implementation of a smart grid are still not ready for the market. At the same time the scene needs to be set, including the anticipation of the user’s performance. Our research shows that the integration of the user’s perspective is strongly needed – on the other hand the discussion about energy transition and future requirements on household level is highly complex and overcharging. Future research and innovation approaches should take the social-ecological perspective more into account. Because the overall question of the energy transition - how can a society not only become more efficient by using smart technologies but also reduce the absolute demand? – can only be answered with an integrative approach.