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Presentation Utilizing regional value creation potential and shaping financial participation

Workshop: Financial participation of citizens and municipalities - renewable energies as a sustainable source of income
Event by: The Competence Center for Rural Development (KomLE) at the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE)
02.11.24, online

The proactive implementation of renewable energy projects opens up promising opportunities for municipalities and citizens to participate in the value creation potential of the energy transition. As part of the Bevent series “Municipalities in exchange: Actively shaping the energy transition”, Steven Salecki discussed the fundamental value creation potential of renewable energy projects and presented prerequisites and obstacles for financial participation approaches. Recommendations for a participation-oriented design of municipal (citizen) energy projects were derived from the contexts presented. The online value creation calculator for renewable energies, which was also presented, enables municipalities and other stakeholders to estimate the value creation potential of the energy transition in their region themselves.

About the workshop (DE)