In the first session “Potential, profitability and value added of the use of stalk materials” of the conference “Heizen mit Halmgut”, Katharina Heinbach presented selected results of the project <link https: en project-single heating_with_straw external-link-new-window external link in new>“Heating with Straw”. After a brief description of the research project, she first explained the model of the IÖW for the determination of value added and employment through renewable energies (WeBEE model). She then showed based on exemplary straw-fired heating plants, which regional economic effects can be associated with the installation and operation of these systems. In the second part of the presentation, she described the approach for the ecological assessment and presented results for the impact categories global warming, acidification of soil and water, and eutrophication.
<link https: heizen-mit-halmgut tagungsbeitraege tagungsbeitraege-ringsheim-dezember-2017 external-link-new-window external link in new>More information