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Presentation Key results of the Building Energy Transition project: Systemic Transformation of the Heat Supply of Residential Buildings

Tagung: Fachtagung Gebäude-Energiewende
Event by: Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung, Brandenburgische Technische Universität, RWTH Aachen
03.10.16, Berlin

In the context of the presentation, the central results of the project “Gebäude-Energiewende” were presented with regard to the regional differentiation of refurbishment activities, the ecological evaluation of refurbishment measures and the achievement of climate protection targets in the regions studied. Results of the project were that the regional economic situation is of little importance for the renovation decisions of private owners and that an ecologically rapid amortization of renovations can be expected. The scenario analysis shows that the climate protection targets in the regions could be achieved through comprehensive renovation measures in the existing stock; however, the lack of liquidity of many homeowners is a key obstacle to renovation and thus to achieving the climate protection targets.