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Value Added by Renewable Energies - Calculation of the Effects on State and Federal Level

Value added by renewable energies (RE) is an important argument for political decision-makers on different spatial scales. In the study “Local value added by renewable energy technologies”, the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) developed a model to quantify generated effects of value added and employment on a local scale. With the current project, the projection of communal value added and employment effects induced by the use of renewable energies will be expanded for the federal level as well as three selected federal states in Germany. Furthermore, the model will be modified to include additional value added chains and the fields of research and development as well as education. An additional objective of this project is an analysis of the compatibility of the model with other methodical approaches. The results can broaden the knowledge of value added and employment effects by renewable energies in general. Additionally, state-specific insights can be gained.

IÖW Project Team