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The Future of the Tidal Elbe in a Changing Climate – Climate Change and Flood Protection TideelbeKlima

Which options are there for flood protection in the tidal area of the Elbe in light of the effects of climate change? The TideelbeKlima project aims to identify and analyse conceivable options and to evaluate them comparatively from a hydraulic engineering, water management, ecological and economic point of view. Based on this, the project team will derive options for action for the future. 

The investigations are based on scenarios. In particular, uncertainties and the spectrum of future climate and weather conditions, the variability of hydro-meteorological conditions in the area of the Tidal Elbe and socio-economic scenarios will be incorporated. 

The investigations consider the entire spectrum of possible protection strategies including 
•    do nothing – business as usual – no adaptation, 
•    managed re-alignment – orderly retreat, 
•    hold the line, 
•    move seaward – forward defence, and
•    limited intervention.

Moreover, the project considers the entire range of technical and non-technical as well as structural and more administrative solutions including nature-based solutions, improvement/strengthening of linear technical flood protection, improvement of resilience through adapted construction methods, punctual flood protection to limit the amount of water entering with a storm surge and additional options for hinterland drainage. 

The results of the investigations and the model results will be scientifically published as research results and made freely available.

IÖW Project Team