The new government of the German capital Berlin wants to be a pioneer on climate change among the major cities around the globe. The elaboration of the feasibility study "Carbon neutral Berlin 2050" on behalf of the Senate [...]
The Energiewende in Germany needs to be accompanied by energy efficiency measures. One of the most relevant topics in this regard is the energy-efficient retrofitting of residential and office buildings. Here, large savings [...]
The project will analyse the impacts respectively the impact potentials of different climate-change related instruments differentiated according to social groups as distinguished within the project; herewith, efficiency and [...]
The project “Sustainable Consumption through Social Innovation – Concepts and Practices” aims to explore potentials of social innovations for environmental policies for sustainable consumption. The focal point of the project [...]
Value added by renewable energies (RE) is an important argument for political decision-makers on different spatial scales. In the study “Local value added by renewable energy technologies”, the Institute for Ecological [...]
The Blue Angel forms an important part of product-related environmental protection in Germany. It is the oldest environmental label in the world, and, in Germany, regarded as the central point of reference for sustainable [...]
In German seaports parallel infrastructures with huge investment and maintenance costs are being funded despite increasing financial constraints. So, at the moment, on the one hand port infrastructures are being increasingly [...]
In the last few years, the IÖW has published a series of studies on the quantification of value added and employment by renewable energies. On behalf of Greenpeace Deutschland, the IÖW has updated value added and employment [...]
The project “FAIR FUELS?” addresses the question of the extent to which biofuels can be produced and used in a socio-ecologically compatible manner. Since biofuels are produced regionally but the products and raw materials [...]
Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the project aims to identify the most relevant manufacturing and consumption patterns of the future. Therefore technological and organizational concepts will be [...]
Subject of the project are the proposals on the transformation of society in the perspective of sustainable, future-oriented development that are currently discussed in wide areas of the interested public as well as in [...]
In the field of sustainability research it can be observed that the successful transfer of generated knowledge into the various fields of social and political activity remains limited. Causes are, among others, that the [...]
Although climate change in the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is already regarded as an important national issue, addressing the adaptation requirements for climate change such as sea levels rising, changes in [...]
"CORPUS - Enhancing the Connectivity Between Research and Policymaking in Sustainable Consumption” aims to develop novel approaches to knowledge brokering (KB) between policy-making and research. It will foster evidence-based [...]
About 950 million books are produced each year in Germany. Books, magazines and newspapers today are manufactured in industrial processes causing large quantities of emissions, effluents and waste. At the same time the [...]