Private households are increasingly in the spotlight not only as consumers but also as a provider of innovative generated power. The applications of renewable generated power become even more diverse and engage in the classic [...]
The environmental economy has become one of the most important economic sectors in Germany. The segment is not just growing constantly but also provides highly qualified jobs. Employment sectors such as energy and resource [...]
Besides inducing ecological effects, land use changes always have socioeconomic consequences. The IÖW-subproject 'Socioeconomic Assessment of Land Management Strategies' therefore assesses direct and indirect costs and [...]
The City of Munich has commissioned the bifa Environmental Institute in cooperation with IOeW to facilitate the development of a municipal climate adaptation concept. Major task will be the coordination of all involved [...]
The project analyses residents' roles and courses of actions in transforming the energy system. It pursues the following objectives:
analysing the municipal and regional role structures, role models and behaviours; [...]
Coastal and marginal seas serve as natural reaction sites for the processing and accumulation of land-derived discharges. The main location of modification and accumulation of input into coastal and marginal seas are in most [...]
Based on the Urban Development Plan Climate (STEP Klima), this adaptation concept illustrates the pathways of climate change in the city and its sub-systems, systemizes and evaluates possible actions to adapt using expert [...]
The project brings together different economic disciplines and scale levels: Institutional economics, economic modeling at different scale levels using complementary methods of macroeconomic modeling and regionalized [...]
Mit der Erstellung des Sachverständigengutachtens unterstützte das IÖW das Umweltbundesamt in seinen Aktivitäten, die Bewertung von Umweltschäden im Zusammenhang mit Produktion, Nutzung und Entsorgung von Gütern und [...]
Ziel des Vorhabens war es, die fachlichen Grundlagen für eine „Nationale Roadmap für nachhaltigen Konsum“ zu erarbeiten. Diese soll als nationaler Beitrag dienen, um die internationalen Beschlüsse zur Förderung nachhaltiger [...]
Berlin's Senate has set the agenda for transforming Germany's capital towards climate-neutrality until 2050. The Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) has already been involved in the feasibility study [...]
This project analysed the potential economic, technical and environmental benefits of energy storage systems in grid-connected photovoltaic systems in domestic households by investigating the following questions:
In [...]
Wirtschaft ohne Wachstum – ist das überhaupt möglich? Wie kann eine Postwachstumsgesellschaft aussehen und wie kommen wir da hin? Diese Fragen werden derzeit in der deutschen Politik, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft verstärkt [...]
By analysing the real estate management of corporatios the project aims at showing concrete starting points for the corporate protection and conservation of biodiversity. Thereby the project concentrates on the potential of [...]
Environment and nature conservation policy is also social policy. This statement might seem trivial but it is highly relevant when taking into account the increasing and ever more dramatic effects of failing environmental [...]