The mobility policy domain is a rather complex system consisting of a plethora of different actors, such as global players (manufacturers), service providers, consumers, government and public agencies, and associations. Mobility is a key challenge for the greening of consumption and production patterns. It is linked with economic and social welfare. The intention of this discussion paper is to summarize the main policy instruments and assessment tools currently employed in relation to sustainable mobility, thereby providing background information for the second CORPUS “Policy Meets Research” workshop to be held as part of the CORPUS project on sustainable mobility in October 2011, in Szentendre. After discussing the backdrop to the paper, we give an overview of current policy instruments in the sustainable mobility domain. This is linked to three basic strategies often highlighted, namely improving the sustainability of all modes of mobility, shifting among modes of sustainability and reducing mobility. Based on a polycentric approach to sustainability policy, we conclude with recommendations. We also elaborate on the time frame, distinguishing short-, medium- and long term challenges.