The explanations follow a contribution on ecosystem services as the basis for an evaluation of measures for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive. The study examines the positive and possibly negative effects of selected alternative options for the future handling of weirs at three weirs of the federal waterway Lahn with regard to the provision of selected ecosystem services. The three weirs (Lahnstein, Kirschhofen, Altenberg) were chosen in such a way that they represent the examined river landscape. This article presents exemplary results.
The analysis of ecosystem services and their valorization makes it possible to better understand the effects of alternative actions and their importance for people. By comparing the current situation with a situation after the weir was built, the costs to be borne by society for maintaining the dam become visible.
The study shows that the more advanced scenario with deconstruction of the weir, where good ecological status according to the WFD can be achieved, is the more advantageous option not only in terms of achieving the WFD objectives, but also in terms of providing ESS. The alternative scenario without deconstruction of the weir, where only the good ecological potential according to the WFD is achieved, leads to a much lower provision of socially significant ESS.
To the article (German language)
Image source: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden