This discussion paper presents the results of an expert survey in the field of construction and housing. We give an overview of the present debate on sustainable development and the imple-mentation of sustainability goals and climate protection within the field. In addition, we describe crucial factors and relevant actors influencing this implementation of sustainability.
Construction and housing is a key area with regard to sustainable development. Due to the high energy and material consumption this field has a striking ecological relevance. An important path towards sustainable development within this field is rehabilitation of old buildings and energy-efficient modernization. A sufficient supply with housing is a crucial social challenge.
The data presented suggest that the success of climate protection in construction and housing is influenced by demographical factors (changing household structure), political measures (e.g. Energy Saving Ordinance) economic factors, consumption trends, and societal values. The most important actors within the field are political actors (ministries and local authorities), companies, craftsmen, architects, and private house owners. However, they all do not fully use their poten-tials to implement sustainability goals. The experts name several examples of co-operation with the aim of climate protection. Most of these co-operations aim at an improvement of information and education. These are mostly examples of co-operation between political and economic actors. According to the experts, in these examples co-operation mostly proofs to be successful.
Based on the survey results, we develop recommendations to improve climate protection in con-struction and housing. This aim at an improvement of information and education and increased co-operation between different actor groups.