The German Adaptation Strategy includes dialogue processes with relevant stakeholders. Moreover, it aims at informing different target groups about climate impacts and possible adaptation measures. In this project the IÖW and [...]
About 950 million books are produced each year in Germany. Books, magazines and newspapers today are manufactured in industrial processes causing large quantities of emissions, effluents and waste. At the same time the [...]
The IÖW/future Ranking of Sustainability Reports regularly assesses the extra-financial reports of the 150 largest German companies on the one hand and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on the other. The basis of the [...]
Political targets aiming at mitigating climate change and increasing energy productivity will only be reached if companies significantly increase their energy efficiency. This can be based on efficient production processes or [...]
Six stakeholder dialogues are conducted that aim at discussing challenges resulting from climate change and possible adaptation strategies. The dialogues are organised on different topics such as coastal areas (May 2009), [...]