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Constraints and Opportunities of Global Governance

The discourse about Global Governance will focus on the reshaping of power in a global context. This discourse is multifaceted. The aim of the workshop is to explore new approaches of non-traditional co-operations as well as the role of civil society and of the states in global negotiations and the implementation of treaties for the protection of common goods.

Jan Martin Witte 
Global Public Policy Project, Washington D.C.
Global Public Policy: the Role of Networks

Cornelis Theunis van der Lugt
UNEP, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
Global Governance and the Role of the Nation Statel

Dr. Ulrich Brandt
University of Kassel
NGOs and Governance in the Field of (un)sustainable Bio-diversity Policy?

Chair: Dr. Angela Oels
University of Hamburg, Insitute for Political Science

Workshop held in German

