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Nanotechnologies, Hazards and Resource Efficiency A three-tiered approach to assessing the implications of nanotechnology and influencing its development

Taking as its subject matter one aspect of the hugely important subject of nanotechnology, this book demonstrates that the application of nanotechnology in industry can result in increased eco-efficiency and other environmental gains.

It also shows what needs to be done from the point of view of scientists, engineers and science policy makers to guide future development in nanotechnology towards sustainability.

The underlying method here has been a three-tier approach to prospective technology assessment.

With benefits that are hugely practical, the authors provide examples to illustrate their approach, along with dozens of illustrations. The positive effects of nanotechnology are illustrated with four case studies.

One additional case study deals with possible risks and negative effects of nanotechnology.

In the last section, the role of guiding principles in future nanotechnology research and development is discussed.