Discrete Choice Experiments (DCEs) for the economic valuation of ecosystem services in rural landscapes
Topics, Programme, Experts
- Theoretical foundations of consumer theory
- Design of DCEs with a specific reference to landscape attributes
- State-of-the-art models for the econometric analysis of discrete choice data
- Interpretation of results with respect to policymaking
During the day lectures are given and combined with exercises, using the open source statistical software R. In the afternoons participants will present and discuss their own projects (20 minutes per person).
There will be an excursion to the nearby national park "Unteres Odertal", Germany’s only floodplain national park known for its rich biodiversity and high aesthetic value.
Experts teaching the course
- Prof. Dr. Katrin Rehdanz – Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Microeconomic Theory, Stated Preference Methods
- Prof. Dr. Petr Mariel – Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao Microeconometrics, Advanced Discrete Choice Modelling
- Dr. Klaus Glenk – Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), Edinburgh Discrete Choice Experiments, Ecosystem Service Valuation
- Dr. Jürgen Meyerhoff – Technische Universität Berlin Discrete Choice Experiments, Experimental Design
Eligibility criteria
The summer school targets early career researchers interested in applying DCEs for the valuation of ecosystem services in rural landscapes. Typical applicants would be ecologists or geographers with an interest in economics, agricultural, environmental, or ecological economists, rural sociologists, environmental psychologists, or landscape and urban planners. A basic training in economic theory and methodology is a prerequisite for participation.
To allow for intensive learning, individual feedback from the lecturers, and a low student-to-teacher ratio, the number of participants is limited to 20. Due to the generous support of VolkwagenStiftung, we are able to support a limited number of participants with travel grants.
How to apply
Candidates are asked to send an application letter comprising a CV and a page motivation letter as well a short abstract (max. 200 words) of their project as a single PDF file to kati.haefner(at)zalf.de.
Application Deadline is 15 June 2017.
Confirmation emails will be sent out on 1 July 2017.
Please notice the length of the course with an expected arrival on 3 September and departure on 9 September 2017.
We strongly encourage female and international researchers to apply. Due to generous funding from VolkswagenStiftung, participation is free of charge.
Certificates are provided with information on course coverage (equivalent to 3 ECTS).
This event is supportet by EAERE and has financial support from VolkswagenStiftung.