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Energetic building refurbishment – Activating homeowners with a refurbishment campaign

The info sheet addresses itself to financially weak municipalities, which would like to activate houseowners for an energetic reorganization despite scarce funds. The aim is to draw attention in a compact form to the advantages of a modernization campaign and to give practical advice on how to implement it. The campaign is shown to benefit both the community and the climate. By addressing the target group in a goal-oriented manner, the local rate of modernization can be increased and thus energy consumption can be reduced. If local craftsmen are involved, the renovation activities also bring added value and employment to the community. Best practice examples illustrate which municipalities have already implemented successful campaigns.

In addition, the information sheet provides financially weak municipalities with tips on financing and implementation and refers to guidelines with further information.


The fact sheet is one of a total of five fact sheets on selected climate protection measures. These are intended to give municipalities and municipal players impetus for climate-friendly action. Other information sheets deal with climate education in public spaces using the example of the smart solar bench, the establishment of a climate protection management system, the leasing of municipal roof areas for photovoltaic systems and local e-CarSharing.

Download the five fact sheets in German language (Zip-File)