1984 – 1991: Studies of Biology at the University of Konstanz
1992 – 1993: Advanced training "European Environmental Protection Expert" at Environmental Protection Services (EPS) GmbH Bonn
1992 – 1993: Contractor at the University of Oldenburg and the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW)
1994 – 2000: Researcher at the IÖW, research field "Corporate Environmental Management"
Summer term 2000 und 2001: Visiting lecturer at the Free University of Berlin, "environmental management"
2000 – 2006: Head of the research field "Corporate Environmental Management" of the IÖW
2004 – 2006: Member of the Working Group "Social Responsibility of Organisations" at the national standardisation organisation DIN e. V. (ISO 26000)
2006 – 2009: Senior Manager Corporate Responsibility at Vodafone Germany in Düsseldorf Winter term 2010/2011: Visiting lecturer at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR) "Management systems for environment and sustainability/CSR"
2010 – 2013: Researcher at SUSTAINUM – Institut für zukunftsfähiges Wirtschaften Berlin (until February 2011 operating as fhochx– Institut für zukunftsfähiges Wirtschaften Berlin)
Since 2011: Fellow at the IÖW
Winter term 2011/2012: Lecturer at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR), Modul "CSR / sustainability management" in the masters programm sustainability and quality management
2012 – 2014: Training, organisational and strucktural manager at the department for organisational development at the Institut für Systemaufstellungen (ISA) Berlin
2012 – 2015: Head of strategic partnership to further sustainability between WWF and EDEKA at WWF Germany
2013/2014/2015: Lecturer of the University St. Gallen within the executive MBA Compliance & Corporate Governance
2013 – 2021: Partner and Senior Consultant at SUSTAINUM Consulting
Since 12/2021: Partner, Senior Consultant & Coach at deep forward
Ecological Evaluation and Target Setting,
Evaluation Research,
Environmental and Sustainability Management,
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Citizenship