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Proper Stakeholder Participation – IÖW-Study Analyses Experiences from Adaptation to Climate Change in Germany

Openness and cooperation are major principles of the German Adaptation Strategy. The development and implementation of adaptation policies is therefore accompanied by broad and diversified stakeholder participation processes. Three German ministries have been pivotal in initiating and supporting stakeholder participation: the Federal Ministry for the Environment which is the leader in developing adaptation policies, the Federal Ministry for Education and Research through funding two research programs on adaptation and the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development through funding regional model projects. The IOEW has analysed the individual participation processes and found out that different levels of participation were achieved, ranging from simple communication through consultation and co-production to co-decision. From the "lessons learned", the report recommends the development of participatory processes and suggests appropriate approaches and methods depending on which aim is to be achieved.

Many Different Stakeholders Involved

In the practice of climate change mitigation and adaptation, both science-oriented and policy-oriented approaches have been followed so far. A broad variety of actors have been involved and almost all sectors mentioned in the German Adaptation Strategy have been covered, such as health, mobility or industry and trade. While topics such as agriculture or water have been broadly addressed, economic issues have been rarely touched upon. Researchers and representatives from administration have participated in almost all events whereas policy-makers, companies and civil society organizations were less represented.

The report has been published in the Series “Climate Change” 12/2013 of the German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamtes) and can be download for free (pdf, 1,3 MB):

Maja Rotter, Esther Hoffmann, Jesko Hirschfeld, André Schröder, Franziska Mohaupt, Laura Schäfer (2013): Stakeholder Participation in Adaptation to Climate Change – Lessons and Experience from Germany. Climate Change No. 12/2013, ISSN 1862-4359, Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt)