On foot, by bike, bus, or train: active mobility is the key to a climate-friendly and healthy mobility transition. But how can we make the switch? And what will active mobility look like as cities adapt to heat, droughts, and heavy rain due of climate change? Using citizen science studies and an interdisciplinary mix of methods, the AMBER junior research group (AMBER) is investigating how to promote active mobility for health improvement and climate protection.
Private car traffic causes about 20 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany and contributes to air and noise pollution. Increased impervious cover in the "car-friendly city" is also a problem - especially in view of more frequent extreme weather events. People need to change transport habits, and health can be a convincing argument. Active mobility promotes health both directly through physical exercise, and indirectly through lower environmental and climate impact. AMBER takes a comprehensive look at these connections by analysing current and future interactions between health and climate change in the context of active mobility - at the individual, organisational, societal, and environmental levels. In a multi-level model of socio-ecological transformation, AMBER is investigating the role of different change agents: How can companies, civil society organisations, political actors, and citizens contribute to the mobility transition?
Citizen science studies are a central component of the empirical investigations conducted by AMBER. In these studies, citizens and companies research how different mobility scenarios affect health and climate change. Participants collect data for climate modelling scenarios via an app and actively co-design the research process. This collaboration leads to mutual learning about paths to transformation and the opportunities for participation.
AMBER includes researchers from health and environmental psychology, public health, meteorology, and sustainability management and works closely with an international scientific advisory board and corporate and civil society practice partners, such as the ADFC or Changing Cities e. V. AMBER uses a mix of research methods and an inter- and transdisciplinary design approach to bring together different perspectives, identify, and implement strategies that promote active mobility.
Website: www.amber-research.de