Although climate change in the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is already regarded as an important national issue, addressing the adaptation requirements for climate change such as sea levels rising, changes in wind and rainfall patterns as well as the general temperature increase is not as advanced. The aim of the project was to support political leaders at a national level in developing adaptation strategies for climate change.
The project developed, amongst other things, a background paper on the situation in the target countries, the barriers as well as the possibilities for action. Individually adapted to the current state of the national debate on climate adaptation, country-specific roadmaps for national adaptation strategies for climate change have been created and discussed in a series of workshops on site. There was great interest in the process of formulating and implementing the German Adaptation Strategy. To make this transparent and understandable, representatives of the German Federal Environment Ministry and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) were present at numerous workshops. In addition, a Baltic delegation came to Germany and visited not only the Federal Environment Agency in Dessau but also the application project RADOST on the German Baltic coast which is part of the KLIMZUG projects as well as a regional adjustment conference on the North Sea coast.
At the end of the project period Lithuania had already taken the step to develop a national adaptation strategy, Latvia and Estonia are making significant progress -especially in terms of raising awareness and the involvement of stakeholders, the networking of ministries and exchanges with scientists.