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Building Dialogue Dialogue formats and communication tools for a participatory heat transition

The heating transition in the building sector is picking up speed. However, building owners are not sufficiently aware of this: New and far-reaching requirements of federal funding for efficient buildings and the Building Energy Act, as well as the possible technical implementation options for climate-neutral buildings, are not yet widely known among building owners. This is where the Building Dialogue project comes in. It follows the approach of the German government's 7th Energy Research Program that "necessary changes can only be achieved through the participation of all social actors". By involving local energy agencies in a transdisciplinary discourse, the project aims to pave the way for greater acceptance and a better understanding of possible technologies for energy-efficient building refurbishment.

In addition to communication tools such as questionnaires and interviews, the project combines various simulation tools and improves these together with the stakeholders in order to optimize the transfer of knowledge for energy transition measures in a participatory manner. These tools are used to map technical and economic aspects that are relevant to the decision-makers in the field. The resulting web-based Stakeholder Empowerment Tool (StEmp-Tool) Heat 2.0 is intended to transparently show building owners the different effects of various refurbishment measures and technologies. The project aims to accelerate trend-setting investments in energy-efficient buildings through practical benefits as well as low-conflict and widely accepted solutions.

IÖW Project Team