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EXPEED - Export potential from services for renewable energies service categories, lead market potentials and the development of internationalisation strategies

Renewable energy sources are a national and international growth market. In particular, countries with so-called lead markets which are quick to develop successful export strategies can hope to achieve long-term employment level effects. A number of services, which are an important part of the value added in the field of renewable energy sources, play a significant role here. Examples are the planning, projecting and financing of systems, system design, management, maintenance etc. In addition, they have export potential, not only as system-dependent but also as system-independent services.The subject of "Renewable Energy Source Services" as well as the "Export of Services in the Field of Renewable Energy Sources" has, so far, not been addressed in a differentiated or strategic manner either by scientists nor by real life or by politicians.The EXPEED project is intended to fill this gap. Its objective is to analyse the service spectrum in the various fields of renewable energy sources as well as to gain application-relevant knowledge about the exportability and internationalisation options for services.To do this, exportability, central barriers and success factors, export potentials and target countries are first ascertained. On the basis of these analyses, corporate concepts are developed for internationalisation, as well as strategic concepts and political recommendations for intermediate and politically creative actors.

IÖW Project Team