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Dr. Julika Weiß


Dr. rer. nat., Environmental Engineer

How can climate protection succeed in the interplay between framework conditions and individual behavior? This is the question that drives Julika Weiß as head of research at the IÖW. After completing her doctorate on the topic of sustainable consumption, she specialized in her current focus: the heating transition.

In numerous projects, Julika Weiß develops recommendations for the energy-efficient refurbishment and climate-neutral heat supply of buildings and neighborhoods. Other core topics include rebound effects, municipal climate protection, the impact of working from home and digitalization. Here, the environmental engineer sheds light on technological, ecological, social, political and economic aspects.


Main focus

  • Heat transition and energy-efficient building Refurbishment
  • Actors in the energy transition
  • Ecological and economic assessment
  • Municipal climate protection


  • Since 2022: Head of the Research Field “Sustainable Energy and Climate Protection” at the IÖW (together with Prof. Bernd Hirschl)
  • 2012 – 2022: Deputy Head of the Research Field “Sustainable Energy and Climate Protection” at the IÖW
  • Since 2006: Researcher at the IÖW
  • 2002 – 2006: Doctorate at the geographical institute of the Humboldt-University Berlin within a postgraduate research and training programme funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)


  • 1993-2001: Studies in Environmental Engineering at the Technical University of Berlin and at the Technical University of Denmark