How can different actors work together to undertake prevention and adaption measures in case of drinking water shortages or low water levels, in order to be prepared for the impacts of future drought periods? This question was addressed on 5th September 2019 by 24 representatives from critical infrastructure operators, fire departments, aid organizations, administration and organized civil society in a one-day stakeholder dialogue. The IÖW was responsible for the preparation, implementation and documentation of this dialogue on behalf of the Competence Centre on Climate Impacts and Adaptation at the Federal Environment Agency (KomPass). The dialogue is part of the participation process for the further development of the German Climate Adaptation Strategy (DAS).
The documentation of the stakeholder dialogue summarizes both the keynote speeches as well as the results of the simulation game and of a concluding reflection. The simulation game aimed to support an exchange of differing perspectives by simulating possible conflicts and negotiating common solutions. In a first game phase, the participants identified and prioritized central challenges that arise because of long-lasting drought periods. Following that, in a second game phase, they developed suitable prevention and adaption measures. These measures addressed for example the intensification of regional cooperation in water management, as well as the development of adequate formats of disaster communication, focusing particularly on the general public as target group, also by involving volunteers. As a basis for planning own simulation games, the annex of the documentation contains the game materials.
The documentation, including a preparatory document, the presentations as well as a selection of photos of the dialogue can be found at (German only):