Participation for better green urban spaces has become a Must. The question is: How to organize participatory processes to increase people’s acceptance for green urban spaces and their functions? The project “Value of Green Urban Spaces” examined which common participatory methods are best suited for planning urban spaces in a participatory way while considering the functions of green spaces for biodiversity protection and climate adaptation. As a result, we produced a roadmap that provides civil servants in local administrations with a decision-support-tool for the preparation of participatory processes. For each planning step, the roadmap provides an overview of suitable methods and a factsheet for each of them. Each factsheet describes a method shortly, as well as its benefits, target groups, conditions of applications and advice for implementation. It also provides an estimation of the required time and budget for implementation and ideas for combining methods. We also provide ideas to strengthen the focus on climate change adaptation and biodiversity, as well as examples of application and references for further reading.