The short study recommends prioritizing the damage and cost dimensions of climate change by fully considering the categories of direct and indirect material and immaterial costs (cf. Hirschfeld et al. 2021: Kostendimensionen von Klimaschäden - eine systematische Kategorisierung). In a first step, the absolute costs are to be considered, which can be systematized differently in further steps depending on the specific issue: according to fields of action of the German Adaptation Strategy, economic sectors, regions, or their impacts on different social groups.
However, in addition to the absolute levels of damage and costs, the relative impacts of individual fields of action, economic sectors, regions, and social groups should also be analysed. Furthermore, irreversibilities, such as the loss of human life or the extinction of animal and plant species, should be prominently considered in the prioritization process.
Highest priorities are:
In a number of cases, the damages can be reduced and, to a certain extent, avoided by the timely and consistent adoption of appropriate adaptation measures. However, residual damages of varying amounts remain in almost all cases. Taking into account the adaptation costs incurred, the respective total costs of climate change can be derived specifically for each field of action, sector or group.