Resource policy must integrate many dimensions: To whom do resources belong? How are resources extracted and used? How can global resources not only be distributed fairly but also be conserved for all future generations? A resource policy faces the challenge of integrating these diverse aspects. So far, however, this has only succeeded to a limited degree. Rather, it is mainly individual aspects that are being tackled in different policy fields including environmental policy, economic policy and development cooperation. But these "silos" of policy fields and problem perspectives are not only apparent at the state level, but also in civil society and research. On the basis of a literature analysis and interviews with representatives of civil society organisations as well as scientists working on resource use issues, the authors formulate hypotheses on the cornerstones and strategic framework conditions of a new resource policy network of actors:
A new, intensified debate on an integrated social-ecological resource policy not only within civil society, but also in exchange with academia, could push the necessary dynamics for a "resource shift" also on other levels, such as state policy.