With its focus on ‘Shaping the Future’, the 02/2021 issue of the magazine ‘ÖkologischesWirtschaften’ provided an ideal opportunity to present the work of IÖW researchers on future visions for green and climate-resilient neighborhoods. As part of the project "Green City of the Future", the method of future visions was applied to investigate the potential of green infrastructure in different types of neighborhoods in a growing city in times of climate change. In a participatory process, the focus was on green infrastructures on public and private ground, covering open spaces and buildings. The visions were developed for a fictitious new building site, an existing inner-city area and a commercial district, using the example of Munich, by working with narratives and illustrations.
The article shows that by working with future visions, solutions and options for actions toward a desirable future can be identified. At the same time, possible conflicts in the planning and implementation of climate-resilient neighborhoods become transparent. This should help to work out synergies between the various forms of green infrastructure with other usages and address them at an early stage in order to promote the socio-ecological transformations of urban neighborhoods.