Objective of the project is the evaluation of the elaboration of 10 additional product group requirements of the German eco-label "Blue Angle", which should strengthen the cluster "Protects the climate". In this context, [...]
The task of the IÖW is the evaluation of a project of the Utopia AG called “Utopia City Guide”, where national yellow pages are developed, that are internet based and refer to green products and services only. The project is [...]
The project "micro-biogas" aims to develop transferable concepts of sustainable usage of biogene residue and waste materials for micro-biogas production in villages and rural areas. Technical concepts and feasibility studies [...]
The Blue Angel faces a further changing environment: competition with other labels increases and the label's visibility on retailers' shelves declines. Against this background, the expertise aims to develop proposals for the [...]
Many actors in the photovoltaic (PV) industry often proclaim the forthcoming “grid parity” as an important moment in the market development of PV. However, the exact meaning of this terminus and its potential effects on [...]
The IÖW develops in conjunction with the Center for Technology and Society (CTS), TU Berlin, and Rostock Energie-Umwelt-Beratung e.V./Institut (EUB) as part of a scientific study, a mission statement for "Mecklenburg-Western [...]
Greenpeace commissioned the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW, Berlin) to determine value added and employment effects of wind energy (onshore) in Baden-Wuerttemberg for the years 2010 und 2020. Additionally, the [...]
The BioEconomy Council has presented a study which deals with the perspectives and the action approaches to promote bio-economy. The basic orientation of bio-economy is that a fundamental change from the use of non-renewable [...]
The overall objective of SPICOSA is to develop a self-evolving, holistic research approach for integrated assessment of Coastal Systems so that the best available scientific knowledge can be mobilized to support deliberative [...]
Six stakeholder dialogues are conducted that aim at discussing challenges resulting from climate change and possible adaptation strategies. The dialogues are organised on different topics such as coastal areas (May 2009), [...]
The project aims to investigate the current state of the art of biomimetic applications in economic sciences. Therefore, relevant literature will be reviewed and summed up. Suggestions for prospective biomimetic activities [...]
Environmental burdens due to the extraction and use of resources, the related emissions and the disposal of waste lead directly to ecological and subsequently also social and economic problems. Insecurity of supply, a [...]
Based on a short questionaire and the last heat cost billing CO2online compiles heating surveys for landlords and lodgers. Due to the heat cost billing and the reply of the questionaire, the heating survey includes [...]
The aim of the study is to:
define sustainable development (and in particular the integration of economic, social and environmental objectives) in the context of Cohesion Policy, which will remain primarily an economic and [...]
The big four German energy suppliers - E.ON, RWE, Vattenfall and EnBW - are also committed to developing renewable energies. This impression is at least supported by television commercials, billboards and other marketing [...]