Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. The consequences of climate change can already be felt in Germany today, and they will increase further in the future. The Federal Government is meeting the challenges of climate change with the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (DAS). On the occasion of the publication of the Second Progress Report on the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change, the virtual conference “Towards a Climate Resilient Future” took place on 6th November 2020.
In various discussions, speakers and participants pointed out that climate adaptation increases the quality of life. The development of green-blue infrastructures and urban nature are particularly important for this. In adapting to climate change, there is also a need for more cooperation and intelligent approaches to dealing with conflicts, for example regarding the use of land or water. Municipalities play an important role in the implementation of climate adaptation measures. Appropriate framework conditions and funding opportunities must enable them to implement climate adaptation measures and to increase the resilience of the local population. Adaptation was also discussed as a joint task in which citizens and companies would also have to participate. These can be involved through discussions and activities to improve the quality of life or to design desirable futures.
A panel discussion made it clear that numerous projects for adapting to climate change have been implemented in various federal departments as well as at the state and local level and showed exemplary focal points for the next few years.
In four parallel sessions, the participants dealt with the topics of conflicts over water use, nature-based approaches to climate adaptation in cities, health and the protection of vulnerable groups and the mobilization of multipliers. Based on the examples of good practice presented, they discussed suitable approaches and measures to achieve progress in the implementation of the adaptation strategy.
The documentation summarizes the results from the plenary and the parallel sessions. In addition, it gives answers to the questions posed by the participants to the panel that were not taken up during the conference.
More information in German language:
Download conference documentation | Recording of the conference livestream