The City of Munich has commissioned the bifa Environmental Institute in cooperation with IOeW to facilitate the development of a municipal climate adaptation concept. Major task will be the coordination of all involved departments and units of the city administration.
The Munich City Council understands the adaptation to climate change - based on its decision from November 2013 – as a cross-sectional task. Institutionally this is backed up by the setting-up of an interdepartmental project group that steers the process.
The project team bifa / IOeW will work closely together with this project group, by defining specific measures in the fields of "Urban Development and Green Spaces", "Buildings and Urban Green", "Water and Precipitation" and "Land use and Eco-system".
In addition, the project team will work on a monitoring concept to evaluate the achievement of defined goals and will develop a plan to raise public awareness.
At the end of April 2016 a final report will be the basis for the adaptation climate concept.