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Interdependencies between land use and climate change – Strategies for a sustainable land use management in Germany (CC-LandStraD)

Besides inducing ecological effects, land use changes always have socioeconomic consequences. The IÖW-subproject 'Socioeconomic Assessment of Land Management Strategies' therefore assesses direct and indirect costs and benefits of land management options. Focusing on supporting, provisioning, regulating and cultural ecosystem services (Millenium Ecosystem Assessment 2003), we investigate trade-offs and synergies between a carbon-optimised land management and other public demands. The detailed analysis of a broad range of ecosystem services is based on the state of the art of economic valuation techniques. By assessing alternative land management strategies, the socioeconomic consequences of climate change mitigation measures and the related land use decisions are made transparent to stakeholders and political decision makers at regional and national levels. The results will contribute to the German and European process of reporting on “The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity” (TEEB).

IÖW Project Team

  • Dr. Sandra Rajmis
  • Dr. Julian Sagebiel