The main objective of this project was to conduct a process of policy reflection through a professionally facilitated series of three workshops, including a fundamental pre- and after-workshop phase. In doing so the proposed [...]
The agriculture in Germany accounts for a significant degree of greenhouse gas emissions. In climate protection strategies (i.e. the energy and climate programme of the federal government), the contribution of the agriculture [...]
Sustainable consumption is a much-discussed topic. To ensure that things move beyond the level of discussion and knowledge of sustainable action also penetrates to the consumers, functional instruments for integrating [...]
Currently a rapidly growing demand for biomass (largely due to energetic usage like electric power, heat and bio fuels but also material usage like wood materials and paper) is meeting a falling supply of adequate resources [...]
The short study constitutes a contribution to the development of an energy and climate protection strategy for Vodafone. In the context of a background paper for the company Vodafone AG, the IÖW described the energy and [...]
The project “Relief Effects for the Environment through Nanotechnological Processes and Products”, conducted in cooperation with Bremen University, is aimed at the prospective identification and evaluation of the potential [...]
The project ZUFO pursues a modular and multi-dimensional analysis of an exemplary forest-timber-chain in the wood construction sector. Together with businesses and associations, it aims at pointing out practical development [...]
The Oder Estuary is a rural region at the German-Polish border. It has great ecological and recreational potential. The region suffers from economic and social problems and a steep gradient between West and East and between [...]
The Sustainability Report Ranking evaluates the content and communicative quality of the sustainability and environmental reports of Germany’s 150 largest corporations. It is a joint evaluation project of the Institute for [...]
Precision farming is mostly dealt with from technical and on-farm perspectives. The integrated project pre agro complements the analysis by the perspective of the value added food chain: food processing industry, retailers [...]
Bionics exercises great fascination for many different reasons. It promises 'adapted', ecologically compatible solutions for social problems. An important contribution towards implementing this promise consists in working out [...]
Conception and Realization of two Stakeholder Dialogues (Climate Protection, Child/Youth Protection) with Recommandations for CR Strategy and CR Reporting at Vodafone D2
Risk communication aims at the interactive exchange of information and opinions concerning dangers and risks between various actors involved in the communication process. Yet misunderstandings and communication problems [...]
LOTOS developed sustainable solutions for logistics processes from goods procurement to the delivery of products. To this end sustainability criteria in the logistics processes of the company Tchibo GmbH were analysed, [...]
This research project aims to explore the particular features of global-local governance that are nowadays so distinctive in the field of climate change. These features include the complex relationships between global, [...]