Nanotechnology is increasingly promoted by national and international research and technology politics. It holds huge potentials on the future technology markets.But the assessment of its impacts on society and environment is [...]
The objective of the intended study is to examine the current state of regulation regarding nanotechnology within selected EU member states and the United States of America and to consult the European Parliament regarding [...]
Sustainable development means an improvement of the environmental features of products and services and an environmental orientation of consumer behavious. Governmental measures alone are not sufficient to reach this [...]
Various controlling instruments were developed for environmental management at company level. Of proven value were inter alia company environmental input-output balance, environmental performance indicators and flow cost [...]
Discussions on an Integrated Product Policy (IPP) are sometimes very abstract and vague. Comprehensive concretisations with regard to objectives, implementation, roles and tasks of stakeholders etc. are missing. Objectives of [...]
Während sich der Trend zur Dienstleistungsgesellschaft durch die weiter wachsende Zahl von Beschäftigten im industrienahen Dienstleistungssektor zu bestätigen scheint, zeigen sich Probleme im Bereich der Dienstleistungen für [...]
The analysis of the international diffusion of regulations promoting socially responsible investment (SRI) is part of a case study for the research project “Lead Markets” sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Education [...]
This interdisciplinary research project aims to find out under which conditions Lead - Markets for sustainable products and processes develop, and how such conditions can be improved on by policy.
Lead- Markets for [...]
The objectives of the research project are to analyse the conditions under which environmental product information schemes are an efficient and effective tool to achieve sustainable development; to assess previous experience [...]
The Project "Potential Applications of Nanotechnology based materials, Part 2: Analysis of the ecologic, social and legal aspects" is commissioned by the TAB (Office of Technology Assessment at the German Parliament). The aim [...]
Fuel cells are expected to contribute exceedingly to environmental improvements. However, both the successful diffusion of fuel cells and their environmental benefits are highly influenced by non-technical aspects. This study [...]
The study focuses on the situation and development of the German Photovoltaics-Industry using actual indicators of the branch. The data (and derived indicators) was mainly gained from statistical surveys (field research). [...]
Das Projekt diente der Ermittlung von Faktoren, die ökologische Initiativen kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen fördern oder behindern. Es hatte das Ziel, der Politik Empfehlungen zur Förderung ökonomisch und ökologisch [...]
In this project, factors were determined that promote or hinder the ecological initiatives of small and medium-sized companies, and political recommendations were made relating to the promotion of economically and [...]
Ziel des Projektes war die Entwicklung eines Buches, das erstmalig für die öffentliche Verwaltung einen Leitfaden zum Aufbau eines effizienzsteigernden Umweltcontrollingsystems liefert.
Berücksichtigung fanden dabei zudem [...]