From breakfast to the after-work drink - nutrition is a central aspect of our lives. Our eating behavior not only affects our well-being and health, but also the climate, biodiversity, and the welfare of animals. Scientific studies show that without a change in the way we eat, climate targets cannot be met and the loss of biological diversity will be difficult to stop. A fundamental change in our dietary habits can only be achieved if broad sections of the population recognize the need for change and support corresponding political measures.
In order to obtain ideas for such measures from the general public, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) invited a total of 80 randomly selected German citizens to a citizen dialogue to develop recommendations on how sustainable, plant-based nutrition could be promoted. This brochure provides an overview of the results of this citizen dialogue and is intended to serve as support and inspiration to all those advocating for sustainable nutrition.