The Federal State of Brandenburg has a lot to offer when it comes to dealing with a sustainable bioeconomy. "Building with wood and straw, medical splints made of bioplastic, packaging made from plant fibers: this is exciting bioeconomy "Made in Brandenburg", said Brandenburg's Minister of Climate Protection Axel Vogel. In addition, according to Brandenburg's Minister of Research Manja Schüle, the state is an important location for research and innovation: "More than a third of the non-university research institutions and five of the universities located in the state conduct research on topics related to bioeconomy."
In the brochure "Sustainable Bioeconomy in Brandenburg", published jointly by the houses of both ministers - in addition to the multitude of activities in the state that are related to the bioeconomy - a set of sustainability criteria for a sustainable bioeconomy are compiled and 23 practical examples from Brandenburg are presented. These examples represent regional and innovative bio-based value creation.
The brochure was designed and developed by the IÖW in collaboration with the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB). The basis for drafting of the brochure was an extensive participation process with an expert audience and representatives of the departments of the federal state government. The aim of this process was to network the actors on an interdisciplinary basis, to transfer knowledge into practice, to exploit the opportunities for regional added value and to generate suggestions for the practical examples presented in the brochure. The 80-page colored publication with graphics and photos addresses not only experts but also at the interested public.