The effects of climate change are already visible in the Stuttgart Region today – primarily through increasing heat stress and frequent heavy rainfall events. In the ISAP I project an online information and advisory system [...]
Urban green spaces offer a variety of ecological benefits beyond recreational areas, particularly concerning the impacts of climate change. During heatwaves, they contribute to cooling and mitigate flooding during heavy [...]
The Green Economy Report of North Rhine-Westphalia presents the economic and ecological significance of the state's Green Economy. It supports the Ministry for the Environment, Nature and Transport in implementing the [...]
Which options are there for flood protection in the tidal area of the Elbe in light of the effects of climate change? The TideelbeKlima project aims to identify and analyse conceivable options and to evaluate them [...]
Natural and near-natural ecosystems, such as intact forests and peatlands, provide a variety of ecosystem services and render high value to society. Determining the economic value of such services is an important prerequisite [...]
The Methodological Convention of the Federal Environment Agency is an internationally very recognized and almost unique basis and guidance for the determination of environmental costs. It contains data sets and methodological [...]
The Methodological Convention of the Federal Environment Agency is a very internationally recognized and almost unique basis and guidance for the assessment of environmental costs. It provides cost rates and methodological [...]
The effects of climate change are already visible in the densely populated Stuttgart Region, mainly in form of increasing heat stress and frequent heavy rainfall events. Adaptation to the effects of climate change is a [...]
As basis for the Environmental Sector Report 2022 for the state of North-Rhine Westphalia this project is investigating the fundamentals and significance of the environmental sector in NRW. The IÖW is focusing on an [...]