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CORPUS "3rd Workshop on Sustainable Mobility"


19. April 2012  -  20. April 2012
Workshop III deals with future visions of sustainable mobility and their role in policy planning.

This scenario workshop gives you an opportunity to:

  • learn from good practices in scenario building as a policy tool,
  • contribute to the revision of the jointly developed research agenda on sustainable mobility,
  • engage in brainstorming ideas on how to sustain the CORPUS network activities in the area of sustainable mobility,
  • expand your network with other European policy makers and researchers in the field,
  • learn innovative forms and methods of effective knowledge brokerage.
  • This time round we are running a poster exhibition and we invite anyone interested to consider presenting a poster. The areas of interest correspond to the workshop topics, but also refer to sustainable mobility in general. This would be a chance to showcase your work and to obtain feedback from others during the regular workshop breaks.

    If you are interested in participating in the Workshop please first SIGN UP and become a member of the SCP knowledge hub. Once you are a member and logged in you canREGISTER HERE. You will then receive a confirmation, along with travel and other practical information.

    As regards your travel expenses, we are happy to cover the cost of accommodation (two nights, incl. breakfast) and all meals during the workshop. Unfortunately, other costs, such as travel and subsistence, cannot be reimbursed.

    Please note: Closing date for registration is 26th March 2012. The number of participants is limited to 40 and we will strive to achieve a geographically and professionally stimulating mix of participants.

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